As the SIP is the first experiential step on the career path, FLAME University places immense emphasis on the preparatory process. Ab initio, students are briefed about the important role the Summer Internship Program plays in their academic curriculum and its ultimate purpose.
Progressively through the academic year, the Career Services Office (CSO) in coordination with the faculty led SIP Committee, organises active preparatory training talks and workshops to help create a heightened awareness among them about career opportunities and the part that a successful SIP plays.
Through “town hall” style meetings with the batches as a whole, inviting guest speakers from different industry segments to discuss career planning and preparation, resume and statement of purpose writing, soft skills and confi dence building sessions with internal and external trainers, as well as mentoring students on a one-on-one basis, are some of the interventions applied. The FLAME faculty plays an important part in more focused SIP preparation with students in their respective areas of specialisation. Our Alumni too have been proactively been reaching out to students with opportunities.